Thursday, February 01, 2007

New to SharingOurDays -- Leafing (Caretakers)

Hi Y'all!

First, you might note that I'm adding a section to the blog for caretakers. There is a lot for us to learn and understand from those who take care of others with ongoing health conditions. To be honest, it makes me think about what the last 10 to 20 years of my life with MS will be like. Maybe they'll be fine, but I might need a lot of help. What if my legs don't work? What if I can't go to the bathroom by myself? Will there be anyone there for me? I honestly don't know.

"Leafing" is pretty intense at times. It is written by Carrie in Ontario, CA about her experience helping her mom, who has gallbladder and liver cancer, and her dad, who has Alzheimer's Disease. Double whammy. She is the kind of angel we should all have in our lives. Through her blog, we can, just a little bit.

Take care.

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate & Founder, SharingOurDays


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