Friday, February 02, 2007

New to SharingOurDays -- Laurianne's Hope (Lung Cancer)

Hi Y'all!

Laurianne died of non-smoking lung cancer at 25; this blog is written by her sister, Lynda, and her father, Hankon. I have to say that non-smoking lung cancer freaks me out a bit. I smoked for the better part of 14 years (I'm 36 now and quit when I was 28 -- yes, the math of that is kinda scary). How can I be essentially okay after years of stupidity while this woman loses her life? Laurianne, wherever you are, my heart goes out to you today.

The blog talks a lot about Lynda and Hankon's feelings and also highlights stories of other folks that relate to their experience.

Check it out at

Have a great day!

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate & Founder, SharingOurDays


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